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Shop system

Insights into the Ipilum shop system

Get a first impression of the many possibilities offered by the Ipilum shop software. We present here an excerpt of frequently used features. To get a more precise idea of our system, we also offer a 30-day trial period during which you can test the system thoroughly and free of charge. You incur no obligations.


Orders overview:

Here, all orders from your online shops and marketplaces come together and are ready for further processing. Numerous filter functions ensure you never lose sight of things. The columns can also be customized according to your wishes.

ERP shop software overview

Order detail view:

In the order view, you can view details such as billing and shipping addresses or order items and, if necessary, make changes and perform additional actions such as status changes, invoicing, email dispatch, document printing, and more.

ERP shop software order details

Product master:

The product base provides an overview of all products and stocks. Numerous filter functions help you keep track. You can also create new products from here.

ERP product master manager

Product detail view:

From the product name to images and description texts, all data related to the product can be maintained in the product view.

ERP shop software product manager

CMS - Content Management System:

Manage your website(s) via the CMS. Easily modify or expand your page texts or make layout changes. The CMS gives you access to every detail of your website. You can also manage meta information for search engine optimization from here.

Warenwirtschaft Shopsoftware CMS-System

E-Mail templates:

With our email template system, you not only create the basis of your customer communication but also define your workflow. As soon as a specific email template is sent, the actions you desire, such as order status changes or continuation to invoicing, are executed.

ERP E-Mail templates

Continued development:

To make your work easier and offer you a wide range of functions, we are constantly working on the further development of our system. Soon, a free update to the next version will be available for all our shop system users. The new window technology ensures faster access to individual functions and more clarity. Of course, we have retained the basic principle so that you can find your way around immediately after the update.

ERP software update

Jetzt das Ipilum Shopsystem 30 Tage gratis testen!

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