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Price checks

Would you like to establish your own price comparison platform?

We assist you with that!

Regardless of which products are to be compared, we program the website for you, create the design, and ensure that you can attract new customers easily – all W3C-compliant and search engine-friendly.

With the support of numerous interfaces, you can process customer product data in all common formats. Our backend supports you in this.

Here are some of the key features:

Dealer login:

Here, the dealer can log into their customer account, change their master data, view their clicks, and much more.

Registration form:

Through the registration form, your customer can not only submit their address data but also provide you with the link to the product data, assign the column structure, and upload a company logo.

Top lists:

Display of the most popular products and categories.


It is not necessary to manually categorize each product from each provider into the correct category. Our category matching tool assigns the provider's categories to yours once, reducing the effort significantly.


Products from your providers can be automatically matched with existing products in the database based on the EAN number, manufacturer number, or similar.

Analysis tools:

Logging of clicks and their corresponding IP addresses.